Here is a snapshot of the kitchen...
The counter top on the island is a great DIY Butcher block counter top that I had the husband build from some instructions I found off Pinterest! Like I said it's not exactly perfect yet...but we have so much going on and I want it to be just right that we are taking our time and doing one room at a time. It really is working out better this way. We are going through each box and cleaning out what we don't want to keep and donating that stuff. It is really refreshing! It feels like an early Spring Cleaning Fest for me! There really is nothing better for the soul then having a clean house with minimized clutter. We collect so much "stuff" that we just store and it never gets is our chance to get rid of it!
I really love Pinterest, but who doesn't, right?! I'm not sure how I ever survived without it! Recently most of my Pinterest searches have involved the key terms "dream home"! I love seeing other peoples ideas of what they did to make their home feel homier and trying to implement those ideas to make my lil' casa a home!
Recent Try:
DIY No Sew Canvas Drop Cloth Curtains=SUCCESS!
DIY Instructions:
I bought two 6x9 canvas drop clothes from the painting department for each door (I have three sets of these doors). Then I bought three sets of decorative drapery rings with clips at the bottom of the ring to attach to the canvas...this eliminates the need to sew/cut! One decorative curtain rod for each door. I washed the canvas panels in some luxury linen detergent and dried them in the dryer...I immediately took them out of the dryer and laid them flat on the floor. This step meant I had eliminated the need to iron! Yay! Then I installed the curtain rod and attached the drapery rings. I attached the canvas to the rods by clipping the canvas to the rings! Easy-Peasey! Did I mention that each door only cost about $45!
So what is your favorite Pinterest DIY Projects?
Much Love,